Our blog
Keep up to date with relevant industry information and educate yourself about the different aspects of solar!
Solar Hacks: How to make back your investment in rapid time!
When you think about Solar, you think clean, renewable energy. You also think about the amount of savings that can go right back into...
The Benefits Of Optimisers
Heard of Solar Optimisers, but not sure what they are and how they work? Read on!
'The Solar Rebate' - What it is and how to claim it!
Take advantage of the current 'Solar Rebate'! Find out how much you can get and how to get it!
A Beginners Guide to Solar
Are you thinking of solar and are looking for more information? Discover the answers to your questions here!
Solar Panel Tilt or No Tilt?
Determine whether your solar system needs a tilt roof solution to maximise the total energy output.
4 Things To Avoid When Choosing Solar
Identify the red flags to avoid the costly sting of dodgy Solar Companies!
10 Things When Choosing A Solar Company
Learn to pick the genuine solar companies from the cowboys and protect yourself from dodgy solar companies.
Kicking it with The Ponds FC
Advanced Solar are the proud sponsors of the Ponds FC Premier Team.
5 Things To Know About Advanced Solar
Who are we? What do we do? Well you’re in the right place to get some answers!